
So, today was an eventful day. I volunteered at the camp today (that I talked about in my last blog post) and then I rode Zip, my Sorrel Quarter Horse. He’s not mine, but I’m one of like the only two people who ride him so yeah… It was so hot oh lord. I cut my ride short because of how hot it was! I didn’t feel good, and even though I didn’t ride a ton, I got in some really good cantering. Zip was so sweaty LOL! I then rinsed him off and put him back. He is such a cutie. Love him! One of my biggest horse shows that I will have done as of now. It’s a fair! Not saying which county or anything, but I am competing there! I am riding Zippy and I am so super excited!

I’m so tired…

Wellllllll hello! If you read my previous post, you will already know that I ride horses. I ride a beautiful Palomino Paint named Jazzmen, and a cute, lazy Sorrel Quarter Horse named Zip. At my barn, they have a camp for kids who are just starting to ride. Being the nice person I am ;), and the fact that my sister was doing it, I volunteered. I walked around, and then ran around, chugged water, and repeated. So basically, my legs are gonna fall off. I had fun though, and most of the girls were super sweet. Of course, there were a few that were very annoying 😡 but I got through it! I am doing it for the rest of this week too! I will post later 🙂

You’ve gotta start somewhere…

I know what you must be thinking. Great… another weird blogger with way too much time on their hands. But, believe it or not, I am a very busy person. I ride horses, I am a student, and I have a life. I decided to start blogging on a whim. I mean, who cares? It’s like, am I really gonna be that popular? Probably not, but hey, it’s fun! So much voice in one little site 🙂 Leave comments, share with friends, or just observe my crazy life.